Armand Morin - Marketer. Strategist. Speaker

One Of The Original Pioneers Responsible For Making Internet Marketing What It Is Today

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One of The Most Amazing Success Stories You'll Ever Hear...

From Door To Door Vacuum Salesman To Running a Multi-Million Dollar Internet Empire, Becoming a Billboard Recording Artist, To Becoming The USA Taekwondo National Champion at 51 Years Old... Armand Morin Has Seen and Done It All, And He Still Continues To Break Business and Social Barriers

You would never guess from knowing him today that his humble beginnings began in a small rural town in upstate New York. Growing up in a working-class family with a father who worked at an aluminum plant and a Filipino mother working in a nursing home gave him the work ethic and desire to do something bigger than he or his family had ever seen.

He knew he wanted something more out of life at a very young age. Not that he had a bad childhood or was ashamed of his upbringing. He just had dreams, just like you do. He didn't know how he would get there, but he knew that if he wanted it bad enough and put in the necessary work, nothing was out of his grasp.


Selling Vacuum Cleaners

While during summer break after his first year in college, Armand answered a classified ad that sounded quite good and turned into a door-to-door vacuum cleaner sales position. Not being extremely excited about this, he gave it a try anyway.

What started as a fluke became one of his life's most educational and exciting times. He never went back to college because he was making too much money to justify returning. For the next five years, knocking on doors was his daily occupation.

Multi-Million Dollar International Internet Marketing Business

In 1996, he started with $1.83 in his pocket and no experience. He has grown it into a multi-million dollar international business, which has done business in over 100 countries worldwide.

Over the past 20 years, he has built his Internet Marketing empire to the point that he is one of the world's most well-known Internet Marketers today, teaching everyone from newbies to experts.


Billboard Recording Artist

Many would say yes if you asked ten people if they ever wanted to be a famous musician. At one of his many seminars, Armand was approached with the exciting proposition of starting a record label.

As with any label, you need an artist. Although not formally trained in music, Armand always had a talent for it. After some discussion, he became his label's first act. How did it go?

He hit #36 on the Billboard Country Chart. #7 on the Billboard Online Sales Chart and beat out top musicians like Bruce Springsteen, Rascal Flats, Toby Keith, and Tim McGraw, all by applying his marketing knowledge to the music industry.

USA TaeKwonDo National Champion

Armand Morin holds black belts in two styles of martial arts. In the Zen Do Kai system, he is also a Master in TaeKwonDo, recognized by the official Kukkiwon organization in Korea.

At 51, he became the USA National Champion(USAT) for his age and weight class, a lifelong dream of any martial artist. Coincidentally, he also became the ATA National Champion in the same year. As he says, it's not due to natural ability or talent; it's due to putting in the required work.

He still travels the US and abroad, actively competing and honing his skills, and is currently ranked in the top 10 in multiple divisions throughout the TaeKwonDo world.



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~ Armand Morin

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  • Fight Off The Ghosts of Your Past To Get The Life You've Always Wanted

    We all have ghosts. I'm referring to the things we've done or the things that have been done to us which we hold on to tightly in order justify our success or in many cases, the lack of success. Get rid of theses ghosts once and for all.

  • Bust Through Your Mental Barriers With Little Known Technology

    Our brain is a computer. Most people never really understand that because it is, we can program it. We can program it to do the things we want to do. It's a matter of using the technology that we have available.

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