Just Launched – My New ProductPadlock System

125×125.gif I just launched my brand new product called ProductPadlock. If you’re an information marketer, either you already know or you’re maybe too naive to think that your products are being shared on the Internet right now. The truth is they are being shared and at an alarming rate. This product solves all your issues and problems.

Imagine locking down your product and being able to actually “repossess” your product from digital thieves or simply refunders who intentionally try to get your product for free!!! Now you have a way to fight back.

Get all the details here:


  1. Mohammed Ali on November 17, 2007 at 8:21 pm


    Just got home from the Internet World Summit in London – you were brilliant! An amazing presentation. Can’t wait to try out this new product!

    Mohammed Ali

  2. Patrick Spielmann on November 21, 2007 at 1:39 am

    Congratulations on another great product. Your ProductPadlock is going to be huge.

    Thanks for the great innovation.

    All the best,
