Follow Me on Google+

Ok, just started using Google+. I have to say I’m extremely impressed with what I’ve seen so far. It’s fast which is a lot more than I can say about FaceBook. One of the key points for me though is that it is very intuitive. Sure I had a few things that I didn’t know immediately but I figured them out in a matter of minutes.

How does this compare to Google Buzz? Buzz is pretty much irrelevant now. Google+ makes it totally obsolete. Do I think this is a FaceBook killer? Probably, not, but is it an alternative option? Definitely YES! It seems so much more streamlined and certainly well thought out. I have to say, from what I’ve seen so far, I really like it.

Can you follow me on Google+?

I’m so glad you asked… YES YOU CAN. LOL

Click Here To Follow Me on Google+


  1. Nora on August 15, 2011 at 11:33 pm

    I have this question:
    your Ebook software, serves as a template where to paste the text, right?
    Does it format the ebook to be read in an Ipad?
    How easy and professional it looks like when the content is posted? does it include pictures, I guess?

  2. Frank on August 23, 2011 at 8:25 pm

    Nora – eBook Generator doesn’t currently format for the iPad – I’d suggest submitting your additional questions to [email protected] I’m sure they’ll answer your additional questions.