Armand’s 50 Things: Thing 10

Attend All Industry Events and Seminars

The reason why I want to do this is because I want to get in the minds of my market. I want to know as much about the market as possible. I may not really care what’s happening up on stage because for me, it’s more about what the needs of the crowd are.

When I first went to Internet marketing seminars, I didn’t care one bit who spoke up on stage; I really wasn’t even listening to what they had to offer. What I did listen to was the audience. This was the most important task for me.

George Callens, who is now my Operations Manager, was at the very first event I attended and that’s where I met him. In fact, prior to that event George had bought one of my products.

He introduced himself to me, and we ultimately sat down next to each other. George was sitting there feverishly writing notes while I’m kind of leaning back in my chair. I’ve got this small note pad with me and every once in a while I’d write down a note. George asked why I wasn’t taking notes. I told him I didn’t need to. It probably sounded pretty cocky to him at the time.

I explained that he was writing down what that person on the stage was saying and I was writing down the questions the audience is actually asking. That was the key. Out of the list of questions I made from that first event, I would dare to say I’ve probably created three or four of the actual products I have now from that first seminar.

At industry events and seminars, you want to get into the minds of the prospects to find out what it is the audience actually wants.

Let me give you another scenario. A friend of mine does a lot of with seminar promoters. He does that in order to get on their stage. He may be their MC, as an example. He may do teleseminars for them or something like that.

It’s his way of getting on stage. The promoter will usually let him speak for doing that work for them. The difference between me and him is I would never, ever do that for anybody else and here’s the reason why. Because the second I appear to work for that promoter in any way, shape or form, it appears I am less than they are. They are not looking at me as their equal.

Positioning is everything.

I positioned myself on purpose from the very start of my career to always be on equal terms to everybody else. I always have done it, and I made sure that a promoter will always look at me, especially in seminars, as an equal. In fact, many of them come to me for favors. I don’t go to them.

Going to industry events will help you to know what clients are looking for — so for me, it’s a must!