Take Note of How My Industry Likes to Learn

Armand’s 50 Things: Thing 17 – Take Note of How My Industry Likes to Learn This is another one where your own preferences can get in the way because you may like to learn a certain way and assume that everyone else does too. For example, you may learn best through experience, meaning that you…

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WordPress Webinar Plugin

WordPress Webinar Plugin

I just released my brand new wordpress webinar plugin called… WPWebinar. This revolutionary wordpress plugin makes the whole process of creating webinars as simple as one, two, three.  Because it works on WordPress, everything is drop dead simple. WPWebinar gives you everything you need. Like I said, it’s 100% built into WordPress. What makes this different,…

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PowerPoint Sales Letters Rock!

Online video for content and sales

Not that long ago, I did a promotion on a new course I was getting ready to launch. I wanted to try something different. I did it through a video, which isn’t revolutionary by any means, but what was important about this video was that it was 90 minutes long. The other part of this…

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Too Much Noise

Too much noise

You have to be more direct in your marketing today than ever before because there’s more noise on the Internet than at any other time in recent history. There are more things coming at consumers than ever before. For example, you probably get a lot more email now than you received five years ago. There…

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Magazines Are Not Dead!

Let’s talk about magazines. It seems that everyone on the Internet is talking about how magazines are dead. That’s probably somewhat true for offline print magazines. They’re all going to die at some point. Newspapers will fade away for the most part, and they’re going to try and charge people to access their online content…

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Make Them Want You

Having an online magazine is a great way to get exposure. When you build an online magazine you’re able to get your message in front of people who actually want to read what you have to say every single month. The vast majority of people in the marketplace have no clue as far as how…

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Sell a Great Product

I get approached by a lot of different people who all have questions about making money online. They generally ask questions like: “What’s the latest and greatest?” “What’s the new information out there?” And, “What’s changed?” I always tell them what’s on my mind at the time and then try to answer their questions. One…

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Good Enough For Now

Is your product the best that it can be? My grandfather passed away a couple of years ago. He was a carpenter and always worked on other people’s homes. He fixed them up and installed siding and roofs. I worked with him a lot when I was a kid growing up. My grandfather was one…

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Just Released My Brand New FREE Report!

Ok, I’ve been pretty quiet lately especially here on the blog. I’ve been speaking, creating new products a lot of other stuff. One of those things was what I’m excited to tell you about right now. It’s by brand new report called… “It’s Not Your Fault”. I just put this up and I think you’re…

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